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5,600 GBP
0 Bid(s)
900 GBP
1,500 - 1,800 GBP
Live auction
Lot closed
Lot location
Lichfield, Staffordshire
'Daisy' is a silver floral glow in the dark design, inspired by nature, imagination and life itself. The entire elephant's body is silver leafed with hand painted flowers, birds and butterflies carefully painted across the elephant. Each and every painted element glows in the dark illuminating the entire piece come night time, Artist Becky Smith, (Mini elephants 1,060 (L) x 410 (W) x 730 (H) mm - 12kg)
Venue address
The Close
Lichfield, Staffordshire
WS13 7LD
United Kingdom

Auction dates
24 Sep 2024 20:00 BST
Lots: 1 - 37
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We do provide postage or packaging services within the UK for small items such as silver, jewellery etc to which would be sent via Special Delivery upto the insured maximum price £2,500. For larger items such ceramics, glass, metalware etc - please contact us to arrange a quote (01543) 251081.

Richard Wintertons Auctioneers will not be held responsible for making any claim for damage or loss.


For National delivery please contact to arrange a quote

- Paul Van4us 07792204448 or email

- JG TRANSPORT - 07807132783 or  email

.Please Note: There is no Buyers Premium Charged as this is a Charity Event - Hammer price only.

Please note that the elephants are being sold on their own and if you require the concrete plinth/stand that will be organised through St Giles at a cost of £100.


Please Note: Due to the amount of sale we do, unfortunately we are unable to take our terms, condition & shipping details off or bid.richardwinterton as they need to be on for our other sale which will be also live at the same time. Please note we will not be offering any shipping or delivery on this sale.