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'Rainbow Elephant' Designed to be a splash of colour on the landscape, using the swirling colours to highlight the form of the elephant and be eye catching within a potentially busy space. The twisting ribbon creates motion within the piece inviting audiences to explore all sides of the piece to follow the movement. With a background in theatre, the artists work often involves creating three dimensional finishes on flat surfaces, which is incorporated into this design by adding a shadow to ribbon to create an illusion of depth to the pieces which I hope will spark audiences curiosity and draw them into the sculpture.?, Artist Emma Turner, sponsor Estate Signs and Print (FOR DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT - PLEASE SEE LAST IMAGE)
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.Please Note: There is no Buyers Premium Charged as this is a Charity Event - Hammer price only.
Please note that the elephants are being sold on their own and if you require the concrete plinth/stand that will be organised through St Giles at a cost of £100.
Please Note: Due to the amount of sale we do, unfortunately we are unable to take our terms, condition & shipping details off or bid.richardwinterton as they need to be on for our other sale which will be also live at the same time. Please note we will not be offering any shipping or delivery on this sale.